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The last couple of days were nervous times for us in Kleinmond. The fires raging around our little village kept drawing our eyes, especially at night. Tonight things are looking a lot better from where I stand though and we all owe a huge debt of gratitude to the teams who battled this inferno for days on end. The flames have died down, but the rebuild starts now. We have quite a bit of work to do on our trails,

Reproduced here in full from https://www.ebiketouring.co.za/Western-Cape-ebike-routes/Overberg-eBiking-Routes/Kleinmond-Cycle-Club-Red-Route, with consent from the author. We’ve often driven the R44 into the coastal town of Kleinmond in the Western Cape Overberg and noticed cyclists riding along the road verge and on the tracks and paths on the slopes of the Kogelberg Mountains to the north of the road. Keen to join in, we discovered that the Kleinmond Cycle Club has managed to secure access to this privately owned land and laid out a couple of

The Bike Park is really taking off! Just look at all that has been done! What a wonderful initiative! Thank you to all the volunteers and sponsors. It has been absolutely wonderful to see this project take shape. Here are some photos for you. They are probably already outdated because things are just moving that fast. Welcome! Just look at all the detail on this gate! Volunteers are hard at work planning and building the entrance lane. Schalk making it happen! Starting on the roof

What started as an idea is finally coming to fruition. Having received the go ahead for a piece of land near the town's sports clubs, the ground breaking for the new Kleinmond bike and skills park kicked off on 16 August. A big word of thanks to the Overstrand Municipality for giving us this access and their assistance in making our dream a reality.

Trailforks is a wonderlike toep ( ja, dis wat hulle 'n app in Afrikaans noem) vir enige "trail sport". In ons geval is dit vir bergfiets roetes. Volgense hulle informasie is daar reeds 8,904 trails NET in Suid Afrika, op die toep. Die detail en opsies is rerig moeilik om te verduidelik aangesien daar so baie opsies is en soveel detail. As jy die toep oopmaak sien jy die kaart opsie soos hieronder. As jy dan op een van die roetes

My December vacation of 2020 extended to April this time, mainly as a result of my status as a pensioner since the end of 2020. I also started cycling with the friendly people of Kleinmond cycling club on routes which I usually did on my own and other that I did not know existed. Thanks to their patience waiting for me at the summit of every climb, I got fit again after my encounter with Covid at the end of November 2020. I enjoyed their company so much that I did not have the motivation to go back home at all.