Our Bikepark tracks are open :)
People coming and going. Loading, carrying, braaing, eating and buying. Generally organised chaos. What a day we had! That was the 1st of October 2022. The day we opened the tracks. Three tracks in fact, because we have a jump track, a skills track and a pump track ready for use. Thank you to each and every one of you that joined us, whether it was to hang out with the other club members, cheer on the riders or show support for all the hard work. If you were really lucky you might even have had a chance to ride the tracks!
Speaking of which. It was a busy day at the tracks. At some points the marshals had to rush out and implement some traffic control, it was just that popular. Riders of all ages zoomed around the skills track, launched themselves into the air on the jump track and rolled around the pump track. Different skill levels were on display, but all the riders supported each other. From sharing their advice and experiences to actually sharing their bikes! Watching kids help their friends and strangers get around or over some obstacles is something I will fondly remember for quite some time.
Then the lunch team started setting things up and our guests started arriving. We were happy and privileged that so many of our sponsors could join us. Thank you to you all. Theo thanked you in his speech, but it bears saying again. This project came to life due to your generous donations of time, money, material and access. Whether we are talking about the site to build the park, the containers, the tables and the lawn. All of the things you see at the park.
Over a lunch of delicious burgers and salads, we were entertained by our very own Japie Swanepoel, auctioning off yet another generous set of donations. He did it so smoothly that one might say he was born into it! The money brought in with this auction will be used to finish the deck on the second container.
Somehow our riders just kept going on the tracks. Stopping only occasionally to grab a bite, but generally just zooming around the track like there was no tomorrow. By 16:30 we had to usher the last people off the tracks to start the cleanup. Here again, people amazed me with their willingness to stay and help.
The 1st of October 2022 will stand out in my calendar. The bantering back and forth, the general positive atmosphere and the beautiful day all added up to a wonderful experience. Thank you to you all!