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Tracks, tracks, tracks. Now with more green!

Tracks, tracks, tracks. Now with more green!

Thank you to all the sponsors, builders, helpers and braaiers!

In yet another amazing show of support and generosity, many of you chipped in to get the lawn we need to make the park green. Today we worked on planting all that grass so many of our members sponsored. More than just making it beautiful, this grass will stabilise the track edges and protect all that hard work the building team put in. We combined the gardening with a bit of a braai and social. To top it all off, Japie did an impromptu auction of gear members crafted and donated to help the club raise funds for our various projects.

To all of you who laboured so hard to get us here a big, ‘THANK YOU!’. It has been humbling and inspiring to see how you pour heart and soul into making this happen! Here, in a couple of photos is an idea of how quickly this project has progressed and how much work has been done.

15 July 2022: Heaps of soil and yellow machines land on-site.
15 July 200: This looks like dune moles gone mad, but it is the basic layout taking shape.
30 July 2022: Shaping continues along with compacting the jumps and berms.
30 July 2022: The green goes on!

A lot remains to be done, but we are really proud of what we have. Soon we’ll host an open-day. Watch our site and Facebook page for news about that!